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Property type:


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0 Baños

Fantastic development opportunity for a secluded private estate or potential residential community. 20+ acres on the St Johns River with approximately 2000 feet of water frontage. There is an existing dock and boathouse structure on the SE point of the property. Incredible water views of this wide section of the St Johns River. This southern point wraps around to a creek mouth to the west. This location has tremendous potential, its approximately 10 miles North of the historic town of Palatka and about 18 mile south of Green Cove Springs. This is a unique Riverfront offering! Additionally, the adjacent property to the West of 276 acres is being offered in conjunction with this Riverfront parcel for a total of 296 acres, the list price for both is $5,300,000. Owner financing available for both properties.; Cleared: Partial


Interior Features

Dirección: 254 Saint Johns, PALATKA, FL 32177

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 11,511 / $0

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