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sq ft





Lot 22 is a one acre corner lot. Its south facing backyard spans 150 ft in the back, abutting the Orchard’s unique U-shaped common space. Gainesville’s first Agrihood, Flint Rock promotes a lifestyle of healthy living and wellness, carefully crafted to embrace the farm-to-table lifestyle. This luxury residential community is centered around its recreational spaces, nature trails, gardens, orchards and conservation preserve. With 2.5 miles of walking paths and expanses of land, its residents will enjoy more green space than your average Gainesville subdivision. Owners will have access to their Event Barn, a unique venue for hosting outdoor activities. The Residents’ Farmhouse offers a catering kitchen with spacious indoor gathering areas, surrounded by a fire pit area for casual outdoor entertaining. Offering expansive green space, The Orchard gated subdivision has a unique U-shaped center that is almost 9 acres in size, featuring a collection of fruit and nut bearing trees along paved community walking paths.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $6

Interior Features

Dirección: 12509 SW 58th, Archer, FL 32618

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 1,333 / $0

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