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60+ unique acres situated in the Ocala National Forest. Great property to own for the nature enthusiast. Located 10-15 minutes east of Silver Springs. Old family farm previously used for cattle and pine trees. This property is very diverse, surrounding a natural Florida prairie with an abundance of wild life. Nesting blue herons, sand hill cranes, and many other waterfowl can be viewed in their natural state. Lush Florida forestry includes large live oaks, cedars, cypress, camphor, and magnolia trees throughout. There are many different potential ways to utilize this land as recreational property. Hunting, camping, hiking, bird-watching, ATV, and horse back riding can all be done on the property. Bordering the OcalaNationalForest, there are numerous other recreational possibilities close by. It is 5-10 minutes from canoeing/kayaking on theSilverRiver, Ocklawaha River, and Silver Springs, as well as swimming and camping at Fore Lake and Mill Dam Lake recreational areas in the forest. The property is also 15-20 minutes from Salt Springs and Juniper Springs. All these attributes make it a great location to enjoy natural Florida. The property can also be used as a large estate for a cabin or home in the country. There are many different locations for home site possibilities. You could build a home backing up to the prairie, and have breathtaking views of natural beauty with consistent wild life viewing right from your back windows and porch. There is an old manufactured home on the property, but the property is being sold for land value. The land is located off of a quiet, paved road for easy access. The listing agent owns one of the two parcels being sold in the 60+ acres.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $0

Interior Features

Dirección: 13970 NE 52nd, SILVER SPRINGS, FL 34488

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 2,062 / $0

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