WOW-- a 1 acre lot located on the Manatee River that flows directly to the Gulf of Mexico. Property is deeded to have 2 boat docks. Owner purchased 2 separate lots but is now selling them as one big lot right on the river OR OWNER WILL SELL AS 2 INDIVDUAL LOTS FOR $1.2 million EACH. The Islands has it's own club house just for the residents of The Islands-- great place to meet your neighbors and share a drink or two. Also, an athletic center is included for the residents of The Islands plus a 24 hour manned guard gate. The Club at River Wilderness has golf, tennis, pickleball, social, and athletic memberships available but they are not mandatory.
Payments: HOA: $154.5/mo / Price per sqft: $43
Dirección: 1628 and 1632 Rio Vista, PARRISH, FL 34219
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