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Great location, 10.27 acres of land to build your dream home or have family compound or develop a subdivision and here is wants needed to done to develop a subdivision; Acreage Land Use : Parcel consist of two Folio #’s : 013282-0000 & folio # 013282-0020. Folio # 013282 is a 6.49 acres and this parcel went through a land use ( Hillsborough County Comp Plan) change from R-1 to R4(Residential—4 homes per acre) . The parcel still has to go through a rezoning process to change the current zoning from ASC-1 to RSC-4. The parcel Folio # :013282.0020 is a 3.78 acre parcel with no address that the current Land Use is R-1 or one home per acre. This parcel must go through a Hillsborough County Comp plan land use change to R-4 and then a rezoning process to RSC-4 . After a wetland survey is obtained, then a buyer could determine how many homes could be built on the parcel. The parcel has between 4.5 to 4.8 acres of wetland/pond. On Geraci Road is a 4” force main and a 8” water line. Birchwood Preserve Subdivision is adjacent to the parcel on the west and Lake Fern Villas Subdivision on the east. Here is an opportunity to do many things with this 10,27 acres of land. (PLEASE READ REALTOR ONLY REMARKS REGARDING SHOWING THIS PROPERTY)

Payments: / Price per sqft: $4

Interior Features

Dirección: 19139 Geraci Rd, LUTZ, FL 33558

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 8,394 / $0

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