ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT BUYER!! First time this assemblage of Bayshore lots is on the market in 65 yrs. Three lots, totaling ½ an acre, on the corner of 59th St. & 5th Ave in rapidly changing Bay Shore. On site is a 100-year-old home spanning 5409 sf. New kitchen & appliances & bathrooms. A grand home w/ richly appointed generous rooms. Owned by a prominent Miami family for over 65 years. Presently zoned as single family residential, the property is surrounded by single & multi-family and commercially zoned lots. County has signaled willingness to revert to a medium density use. Just off Biscayne, this area is undergoing dynamic changes. Property could become a stand out stunning estate home in the center of it all, or be the site of high end multi-unit residential development.
Payments: / Price per sqft: $512
Dirección: 5900 NE 5th Ave, Miami, FL 33137
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