Fractional Ownership. This condominium is a quarter-ownership villa. With quarter ownership, an owner owns 6 two week periods spread throughout the year plus a single week in January. Each year the ownership period adjusts so that over a four year period each owner has access to all 52 weeks. The maintenance of the property is done through an on-site management company. Located in an intimate and exclusive vacation community, with access to the full facilities, services and amenities of Palm Island Resort. Enjoy 7 miles of natural Florida Beach! The villa features a wide-open living room and entertainment area leading directly to a full large screened porch. This one is first floor with steps off the east and west side. The bath and dressing area features a large walk-in closet. Since the storm this has new roofs, new windows and sliding doors all impact in addition to new luxury laminate flooring throughout with new carpet in the bedrooms, new cabinets in kitchen, so it will be like new for you. Enjoy easy island ownership! Full ownership of Golf Cart included.
Payments: HOA: $1478.33/mo / Price per sqft: $33
Dirección: 7221 Rum Bay 4211C, PLACIDA, FL 33946
Divulgación. Esta herramienta es para propósitos generales de estimación. Brindar una estimación general de los posibles pagos de la hipoteca y/o los montos de los costos de cierre y se proporciona solo con fines informativos preliminares. La herramienta, su contenido y su salida no pretenden ser un consejo financiero o profesional ni una aplicación, oferta, solicitud o publicidad de ningún préstamo o características de préstamo, y no deben ser su principal fuente de información sobre las posibilidades de hipoteca para usted. Su propio pago de hipoteca y los montos de los costos de cierre probablemente difieran según sus propias circunstancias.
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