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Property type:


sq ft




0 Baños

265± acres, perfect for homestead, recreation, grazing & more! • 265± acre property cleared, leveled and fenced, conveniently located 6.6 miles West of I-95! • Perfect for cattle and horses! Planted in Bahia grass for grazing. • This property has two 12” artesian wells located close to both ends of the property and supplies water to three troughs for the livestock. • Encumbered by a permanent WRE (Wetland Reserve Easement) easement with the USDA, there are restrictions on building permanent structures or intense agricultural uses other than cattle. • There is a 10-acre parcel carved out of the easement in the northwest corner of the property. This carve-out is unencumbered and sufficient in size for a home, barn, and cattle pens. • Soils on the property include productive Canova Muck, Riviera, and Wabasso soils. • Zoning is A-2; Agricultural-2 District • Flood Zone A. The zone is also known as a special flood hazard area (SFHA) due to having at least one percent chance of flooding. • The Property is within the St Johns Improvement District in western Indian River County, FL. • Current cattle lease expires 3/2024 and is paying $45 per acre per year. Owner will consider financing with 50% down, 15 years, 7% interest.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $0

Interior Features

Dirección: 795 162, VERO BEACH, FL 32968

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 2,758 / $0

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