In South Miami’s sunlit glow, A dream awaits where hearts can grow. Circular driveway, welcoming and wide Invites you to the joy inside. Twelve feet of ceiling high, Where natural light streams from the sky. Open spaces, grand and free, Designed for warmth and company. Kitchen, luxurious and fine, With ample storage to align. Marble floors beneath your feet, Luxury finishes, pure and neat. Metal roof that stands so strong, Shelters all who come along. Step into the backyard's embrace, Privacy and space in a lush, green place. Pool so large, a sparkling gem, Perfect spot to dive and swim. Formal dining, poised and grand, Table set by loving hand. This South Miami home, a precious find, Sanctuary for heart and mind. Here, your new tale shall start, A place to fill with love and art.
Payments: / Price per sqft: $985
Dirección: 8020 SW 62nd Ave, South Miami, FL 33143
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