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Property type:


sq ft




0 Baños

CORNER LOT ! ld your new home? Looking to invest in DUPLEX land? This is the perfect opportunity! Central Florida over a half acre (0.76) BUILDABLE residential lot is located in the golfing and fishing community of ILE in Lake Wales. Enjoy all the amenities this gated community features including 18-hole golf course, tennis, pickle ball, fitness center, clubhouse, boat slips, community boat ramp and is home to the largest freshwater pier in the state of Florida!!! Located on the shore of Walk in Water (Lake Weohyakapka) which is nationally known for its trophy fishing. Ready to build your new home? Looking to invest into land? This is the perfect opportunity! Deed restricted with low annual HOA. Orlando's Disney is only a 1hour drive north, Tampa, Busch Gardens, and the Gulf's pristine beaches. This lot features an inside pie shaped corner making your lot fit your building needs you can add a pool, detached garage or plenty of room for your entertainment needs.

Payments: HOA: $31.25/mo / Price per sqft: $1

Interior Features

Dirección: 901 Valencia, INDIAN LAKE ESTATES, FL 33855

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 108 / $0

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