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Property type:


sq ft




0 Baños

Silver Springs Shores as a potentially growing area with opportunities for businesses, dining options, and new neighborhoods. I have hundreds available for negotiation. To get detailed information on each lot's zoning and utility status, you'll need to engage in thorough due diligence. Contact the local planning or zoning department to inquire about the zoning regulations for each lot. This will help you understand how the land can be used. Reach out to the local utility companies to verify the availability of essential services such as water, electricity, gas, and sewage on each lot. Consider hiring a professional land surveyor to provide accurate information about the boundaries and topography of each lot.  Investigate any potential environmental concerns in the area, such as flood zones, soil quality, or protected habitats. Research the local real estate market to understand property values, trends, and demand in the area. If possible, conduct site visits to get a firsthand look at the lots and their surroundings. This can provide valuable insights into the local environment. Remember, due diligence is crucial in real estate transactions, and thorough research will help you make informed decisions and negotiate effectively. Open to negotiating.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $7

Interior Features

Dirección: Olive Circle, OCALA, FL 34472

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 590 / $0

Divulgación. Esta herramienta es para propósitos generales de estimación. Brindar una estimación general de los posibles pagos de la hipoteca y/o los montos de los costos de cierre y se proporciona solo con fines informativos preliminares. La herramienta, su contenido y su salida no pretenden ser un consejo financiero o profesional ni una aplicación, oferta, solicitud o publicidad de ningún préstamo o características de préstamo, y no deben ser su principal fuente de información sobre las posibilidades de hipoteca para usted. Su propio pago de hipoteca y los montos de los costos de cierre probablemente difieran según sus propias circunstancias.

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