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CLERMONT LAND - 22.5 ACRES - Escape to the serene beauty of lush, wooded land, a mix of wetlands and dry upland, nestled to the west of a picturesque orange grove in desirable southern Clermont, Florida, and so close to Disney. So much potential! This unique parcel offers an opportunity for investors and developers alike. Positioned to the west of a grove, this acreage provides a scenic, and tranquil setting. A private pond abuts the property. Owner motivated! Proximity to a vibrant luxury horse community, with some Disney executives as owners adds to the allure, offering an attractive proposition for equestrian enthusiasts. Just a short drive from Route 27 and Disney World, this property holds significant appeal for those looking to invest in this thriving and growing tourism sector. The property is bordered by Boggy Marsh Rd on the eastern side, offering a history of road access. However, arrangements with neighboring owners is necessary to reestablish access. Unlock the full potential of this property by pursuing a Zoning change and developing residential units, if applicable, catering to the growing demand in the region, agricultural usage or simply use your imagination! Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a substantial piece of the American Dream in a sought-after location. Current zoning is 1 house per 20 acres. Less than 2000 feet away is a horse farm with 2 to 5 acre lots in a gated community. Contact us today to discuss the potential of this Clermont gem. Thirty year lender financing available to qualified buyers! Buyer to confirm all information, please. Completed hold harmless agreement required to view property.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $0

Interior Features

Dirección: S Boggy Marsh, CLERMONT, FL 34711

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 1,438 / $0

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