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Property type:


sq ft




0 Baños

Ready to find a of space to call your own, the canvas is yours to paint! Escape to your own slice of heaven with this stunning 1.7 acre property that has direct lake access!! This property is nestled in the heart of the Lake in the Woods subdivision in Gilchrist County, conveniently located on a cul de sac! Come build your dream home while embracing the tranquility of nature and the peacefulness of the lake. Gilchrist County has A-rated schools and low property taxes and is located within minutes of Gainesville and Lake City! The location is perfect for an easy commute to work or recreation. This property features beautiful views, lots of trees, a small pond, great family friendly seating area. There is a large screen room/outbuilding located near the waters edge can be used for gatherings or to merely just sit back and relax as you gaze out upon the lake and enjoy the scenery. The opportunities are endless!!

Payments: / Price per sqft: $1

Interior Features

Dirección: SE 45 Ct, TRENTON, FL 32693

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 216 / $0

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