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0 Baños

Whether you're a nature lover, an investor, or someone seeking a slice of Florida, this 10-acre gem is your canvas for endless possibilities. Nestled away off Shady Lane, this secluded property offers a unique blend of 4 acres of dry land and 6 acres of lush wetlands. Escape to your dream homestead on this 10-acre parcel of unimproved land. With a dedicated easement for ingress and egress spanning 60 feet per the deed, your new property awaits. The sign is at the front of the easement, please do not go onto the properties on either side; this is unimproved land and may not be accessible by the easement at this time because of the vegetation. Embrace the best of both worlds with 4 acres of dry land and 6 acres of picturesque wetlands. The wetlands are not only a haven for wildlife but also a wonderful backdrop for your future residence. Don't miss out on this exceptional chance to build the home you've always desired. It is up to the buyer and buyer's agent to contact Lake County Planning and Zoning on what can be done with the property and determine if the property is suitable for the buyer's needs. All information deemed reliable but must be verified by buyers. Price increase was due to input error.

Payments: / Price per sqft: $0

Interior Features

Dirección: TBD Shady, GROVELAND, FL 34736

Calculadora de Pagos
por mes
  • Interés Principal
  • Impuesto a la Propiedad
  • Tarifa de la HOA
$ %

$ 957 / $0

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